Ziruma House


141 reseñas

Miembro desde Feb 22, 2024


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  • Registro Nacional Turismo - RNT

Canopy Superman

Villa de Leyva, Boyaca, Colombia

2024-09-20 02:25:57

Canopy Medio y Rápido

Villa de Leyva, Boyaca, Colombia

2024-09-20 02:25:57

Canyoning Guane

Curití, Santander, Colombia

2024-09-20 02:25:57

Bicicletas Aéreas

Villa de Leyva, Boyaca, Colombia

2024-09-20 02:25:57


Calima, Valle del Cauca, Colombia

2024-09-20 02:25:57


Calima, Valle del Cauca, Colombia

2024-09-20 02:25:57









Ziruma House

Fantastic Trip

I am a little late in posting a review. We returned from this trip in early March, right when everything started to close down due to Covid-19. I can tell you that the memories of this trip have kept me going while sheltering in place. If you are thinking this might be the trip for you, please know that it is very fast paced with moving from place to place almost every night was quite challenging. The cycling itself was challenging based on ones fitness level. My husband completed every kilometer, while I did about three-quarters of the cycling. A lot of it depends on the heat, but for a female in my early 50s, I found it very doable. We had the most fabulous guide and crew. I cannot say enough of about our guide Son - he was absolutely amazing - taking care of all the details while we enjoyed ourselves. There are plenty of water/snack stops with fresh fruit and amazing snacks (ginger/nuts/cookies). They take very good care of you.
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Ziruma House

Fantastic Trip

I am a little late in posting a review. We returned from this trip in early March, right when everything started to close down due to Covid-19. I can tell you that the memories of this trip have kept me going while sheltering in place. If you are thinking this might be the trip for you, please know that it is very fast paced with moving from place to place almost every night was quite challenging. The cycling itself was challenging based on ones fitness level. My husband completed every kilometer, while I did about three-quarters of the cycling. A lot of it depends on the heat, but for a female in my early 50s, I found it very doable. We had the most fabulous guide and crew. I cannot say enough of about our guide Son - he was absolutely amazing - taking care of all the details while we enjoyed ourselves. There are plenty of water/snack stops with fresh fruit and amazing snacks (ginger/nuts/cookies). They take very good care of you.
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