Glamping Natural Sound


141 reseñas

Miembro desde Feb 22, 2024


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Cundinamarca, Colombia

2024-09-20 07:41:05

Juegos de mesa

Cali, Valle del Cauca, Colombia

2024-09-20 07:41:05

Recorrido en Bicicleta todo terreno

Cali, Valle del Cauca, Colombia

2024-09-20 07:41:05


Cali, Valle del Cauca, Colombia

2024-09-20 07:41:05


Bucaramanga, Santander, Colombia

2024-09-20 07:41:05


Bucaramanga, Santander, Colombia

2024-09-20 07:41:05









Glamping Natural Sound
Lifelong memories We were part of a group of 17 who quickly formed a close bond created entirely by the enthusiasm and generosity of our leader. Nothing was too much trouble Long went out of his way every day to make sure we experienced in full life in Vietnam. The trip ran like clockwork, without us feeling we were being rushed at any stage. He made it fun even when we cycled 100 k in a day taking in a very high mountain pass.
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Glamping Natural Sound
Lifelong memories We were part of a group of 17 who quickly formed a close bond created entirely by the enthusiasm and generosity of our leader. Nothing was too much trouble Long went out of his way every day to make sure we experienced in full life in Vietnam. The trip ran like clockwork, without us feeling we were being rushed at any stage. He made it fun even when we cycled 100 k in a day taking in a very high mountain pass.
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Glamping Natural Sound
Lifelong memories We were part of a group of 17 who quickly formed a close bond created entirely by the enthusiasm and generosity of our leader. Nothing was too much trouble Long went out of his way every day to make sure we experienced in full life in Vietnam. The trip ran like clockwork, without us feeling we were being rushed at any stage. He made it fun even when we cycled 100 k in a day taking in a very high mountain pass.
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Glamping Natural Sound
Lifelong memories We were part of a group of 17 who quickly formed a close bond created entirely by the enthusiasm and generosity of our leader. Nothing was too much trouble Long went out of his way every day to make sure we experienced in full life in Vietnam. The trip ran like clockwork, without us feeling we were being rushed at any stage. He made it fun even when we cycled 100 k in a day taking in a very high mountain pass.
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Glamping Natural Sound
Lifelong memories We were part of a group of 17 who quickly formed a close bond created entirely by the enthusiasm and generosity of our leader. Nothing was too much trouble Long went out of his way every day to make sure we experienced in full life in Vietnam. The trip ran like clockwork, without us feeling we were being rushed at any stage. He made it fun even when we cycled 100 k in a day taking in a very high mountain pass.
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